Top 5 Hefe-Beta-Glucan-Hersteller in China
Yeast beta glucan has become one of the most wanted raw materials as the COVID-19 breakout. One significant benefit of it is to support the
A natural and effective high-quality immune supporting ingredient made from baker’s yeast.
Hiyeast is a professional yeast beta-glucan manufacturer that supplies natural and effective high-quality immune supporting ingredient made from baker’s yeast.
Das seit seinen Anfängen erworbene Know-how und die Erfahrung sowie die hohe Qualität, die hohen Produktionsstandards und das technische Wissen haben es Hiyeast ermöglicht, seine Präsenz in der Lebensmittel-, Gesundheits- und Fermentationsindustrie auszubauen.
Hiyeast ist bestrebt, mit Kunden zusammenzuarbeiten, um Produkte zu entwickeln, die ihren spezifischen Anforderungen mit wichtigen Naturprodukten und Servicelösungen entsprechen.
Yeast Beta-1,3/1,6-glucan is derived from baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), made up of a string of glucose molecules, with fats, proteins, and other polysaccharides removed.
Es handelt sich um ein 100 % natürliches Nahrungsergänzungsmittel auf Lebensmittelbasis.
Yeast beta glucan is a light beige colored fine spray powder, which is clear and neutral in taste and smell. Therefore, the dispersible ingredient can be easily added to various product formulations, including liquid applications. There is a large variety of possible application formats, such as…
Hiyeast möchte mit einem internen Team aus Mikrobiologen, Spezialisten für Lebensmittelanwendungen und Hefeexperten gesunde und natürliche Produkte sowie ernährungsphysiologische und sensorische Eigenschaften von Lebensmitteln und Getränken auf die Welt bringen.
Weitere Informationen zu Hefe-Beta-Glucan, kontaktieren Sie unser Team.
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Yeast beta glucan has become one of the most wanted raw materials as the COVID-19 breakout. One significant benefit of it is to support the
Beta glucans are sugar compounds found in bacteria, yeast, fungi, algae, and cereals such as oats and barley. They are a source of soluble fiber,
Yeast Beta-Glucan is considered an ingredient of great importance in both the medical field and the food industry. It has many desirable physical and physiological
The immune system of humans is a highly complex network of millions of immune cells that protect the body from constant exposure to pathogens and
With the global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, immune support has risen to be one of the most desired health benefits consumers want from products.
The number of pet dogs and cats worldwide exceeds 4.1 billion. $ 121 Billion dollars future growth of the pet food market. Purified yeast beta-glucans are natural
Chinas erste Hefeextraktfabrik mit 7-tägiger Lieferung, kostenlose Proben verfügbar.
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