
Ihr zuverlässigster Hefeextraktlieferant


Ihr zuverlässigster Hefeextraktlieferant

Verarbeitetes Fleisch

Do you want to improve the meaty taste and flavor of your product? Have a look at our natural solutions for processed meat.

Verarbeitetes Fleisch

Our Extracell Yeast Extracts are high-quality solutions for the meat industry that enhance the meaty taste and flavour of processed meat products. Yeast extracts are rich in amino acids and peptides that help provide meaty, fatty and roasted notes to meat dishes. These solutions are also suitable for vegetarian and vegan applications where they intensify and bring out the rich taste of vegetables.

Verarbeitetes Fleisch

Untersuchen Sie die Vorteile von Lösungen:

Meaty taste booster

Masking bitter flavours

Long-lasting sensation and savoury flavour booster

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