
Su proveedor de extracto de levadura más confiable


Su proveedor de extracto de levadura más confiable


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Nutrición animal

Antioxidant effect of selenium yeast in ruminants

Selenium yeast is one of the trace element-rich yeasts, and it is one of the two sources of selenium available for ruminants. The basis for the various functions of selenium in ruminants is its antioxidant capacity. Organic selenium can be produced by adding appropriate amounts of inorganic selenium to the

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hidrolizado de levadura
Nutrición animal

Hydrolyzed yeast as a functional protein source for young animals

The first obstacles of early life For many animals, early life is the most difficult stage. The immune system and intestinal physiology are not yet fully developedwhich makes young animals more susceptible to disease. At the same time, young animals need to develop and grow optimally. Feed changes

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comida vegana
Ingrediente alimenticio

5 Reasons Why to Use Yeast Extract in Plant-based Recipe

According to Mintel, 18% of Global consumers plan to eat no or fewer foods that come from animals (eg meat, dairy) over the next 12 months and 61% of Spanish consumers agree they are striving to get more of their protein from (eg beans, soy). In this scenario, Plant-based diets have been

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Nutrición animal

The impacts of stress on the early days of life of piglets

Stress is the response of an animal’s body to a stimulus. This stimulus is not always negative. However, when it is associated with a negative situation, a decrease in performance and productivity is inevitable because the animal’s health is affected, especially early in their lives. At birth, piglets are neurodevelopment

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extracto de levadura en polvo
Ingrediente alimenticio

Why choose Hiyeast Yeast Extract Product for food manufacturing

Hiyeast is a brand of Zhuhai Huixuan Biotech Co., Ltd, which is a professional yeast extract manufacturer since 2012, which have the capacity of 10,000 tons of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and we do have a plan of development on capacity in the coming two years. We aim to bring taste

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Top 10 biggest and best animals and pets tradeshows in the world
Base de conocimientos

Las 10 mejores y más grandes ferias de animales y mascotas del mundo 2022-2023

Animals and pets trade shows are events highlighting modern innovation in the animal health industry. In terms of visitor numbers, they are the most significant industry events compared to other industry shows that gather hundreds of thousands of professionals and consumers. Animal shows are not only about networking, buying and selling, it’s

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extracto de levadura en polvo
Ingrediente alimenticio

¿Cómo elegir el extracto de levadura ideal en la fabricación de alimentos?

Since its introduction to the market in the 1950s, yeast extracts have become an important ingredient for food formulators creating delicious, healthy, clean-label recipes. Yeast extract is a natural ingredient that can be useful in a variety of applications due to its unique properties and complex composition. It is derived

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Pared celular de levadura
Nutrición animal

Are yeast cell wall products the same from different sources?

Several tests were conducted to see if there were differences in yeast cell wall products from three different yeast sources; pure cultured yeast, brewer’s yeast, and alcoholic yeast. The results were surprising. Yeast cell wall is a raw material obtained from the deep processing of yeast fractions and is closely related

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reducir el azúcar
Ingrediente alimenticio

¿Cómo ayuda el extracto de levadura a reducir el azúcar?

There is a big trend in the industry toward sugar and calorie reduction because of the increasing rates of diabetes, obesity, and other health issues. The World Health Organization directed people to cut on sugars and eat low to no sugar diets to control the increasing health risks. Today, more

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