
Su proveedor de extracto de levadura más confiable


Su proveedor de extracto de levadura más confiable


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What is the difference between Autolyzed yeast and Hydrolyzed yeast
Base de conocimientos

What is the difference between Autolyzed yeast and Hydrolyzed yeast?

Yeast extract is the common name for various forms of processed yeast products made by removing the cell walls; they are used as food ingredients or flavorings or as nutrients for bacterial culture media.Meanwhile, we frequently hear two other terms associated with yeast extract: Autolyzed yeast and Hydrolyzed yeast.So what’s

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Vaca lechera
Nutrición animal

Benefits of Selenium Yeast in Ruminant Diet

Selenium is an essential trace element for animal growth, metabolism, and reproduction. Selenium yeast has significant effects in improving the animal body’s antioxidant capacity, improving animal production performance and anti-stress, promoting body growth and development, and improving animal immunity. What is selenium-enriched yeast? Selenium-enriched yeast or Selenium yeast is a

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Ingrediente alimenticio

Levadura VS Extracto de Levadura

Yeast is one of nature’s treasures that humanity has used for centuries. You have probably been enjoying the benefits of yeast all your life. You most likely wouldn’t be enjoying bread, beer, or wine without it. Scientists discovered that from the core of yeast, they could produce yeast extract. Is

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Salud humana

Extracto de Levadura: Un ingrediente ideal para reducir el contenido de sal

Sodium is an essential nutrient, and its excessive intake can cause health problems. Therefore, products derived from botanical extracts are being developed as alternatives to reduce salt.The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recommend an average salt intake of fewer than 5 grams per day

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glutamato monosódico
Ingrediente alimenticio

Extracto de levadura: un buen sustituto del glutamato monosódico

MSG is short for monosodium glutamate. It is a common food additive.People think it’s harmful to our health because glutamic acid functions as a neurotransmitter in our brain. It is an excitatory neurotransmitter, meaning that it stimulates nerve cells to relay its signal. Some people claim that MSG leads to

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Ingrediente alimenticio

Extracto de levadura: el ingrediente clave para recetas sin carne

The demand for yeast extract is growing in the food market. Today, people are aware of the health issues caused by eating red and white meats. Moreover, the demand does arise, as people are more concerned about animal welfare. Vegetarian people can benefit from the consumption of yeast extract to

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extracto de levadura
Nutrición animal

Beneficios de la pared celular de levadura

Animal feed, on average, accounts for 75% of the total production cost. The various ingredients making up the animal’s diet should be able to meet nutritional requirements. They should also provide support to the cells and microbial population in the gastrointestinal tract promoting optimal function and aiding in immunomodulation of

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extracto de levadura
Ingrediente alimenticio

Una guía completa para el extracto de levadura

El extracto de levadura se elabora a partir de levadura, un ingrediente alimentario frecuente, pero ¿qué sabes al respecto? La levadura es un organismo unicelular que pertenece a la familia de los hongos y se ha utilizado durante siglos para hacer pan, cerveza y vino desde la década de 1950. ¿Qué es el extracto de levadura? El extracto de levadura es similar a

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Aditivo alimentario
Nutrición animal

Pared celular de levadura utilizada en alimentación animal

In recent years, the abuse of antibiotics has aroused great concern about food safety and environmental harm. It is urgent to find a safe and effective substitute.Polysaccharides based on the yeast cell wall are green, safe, and efficient immune enhancer products, which is considered one of the principal means to

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beta glucano de levadura
Salud humana

How is Yeast Beta-Glucan Works?

The human body is constantly under attack by harmful microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Fortunately, we have an efficient protection mechanism – our immune system. But many factors in everyday life such as stress, pollution, lack of sleep, and unhealthy diet can keep our immune system from doing

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