
Su proveedor de extracto de levadura más confiable


Su proveedor de extracto de levadura más confiable


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Nutrición animal

Beneficios de la levadura de cerveza para mascotas

La levadura de cerveza es un tipo de levadura que es un subproducto del proceso de elaboración de la cerveza y es rica en vitaminas, minerales y aminoácidos. Si bien es conocido principalmente por sus beneficios para la salud de los humanos, también se está volviendo cada vez más popular como suplemento para las mascotas. En este artículo, lo haremos

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Pared celular de levadura
Nutrición animal

La aplicación de la pared celular de levadura en rumiantes

Yeast cell wall, also known as yeast cell wall polysaccharides (YCWPs), is a byproduct of yeast fermentation and is commonly used as a feed supplement for ruminants. It is a rich source of non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) and has been shown to have several beneficial effects on ruminant health and performance.

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Hidrolizados de levadura
Nutrición animal

The Application of Yeast Hydrolyzate in Swine

Yeast hydrolysate is a by-product of yeast fermentation that is commonly used as a feed supplement for swine. It is a rich source of amino acids and other nutrients that can provide a range of benefits for swine health and performance. An important source of essential amino acids One of

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Nutrición animal

The Benefits Of Inactived Dried Yeast For Animals

Inactive dried yeast (IDY) is a type of yeast that has been dried and deactivated, making it an excellent source of nutrition for animals. IDY contains a variety of beneficial nutrients, including protein, B-vitamins, and amino acids. Here are some of the benefits of IDY for animals. First, IDY is

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Las propiedades antimicrobianas de la pared celular de la levadura.
Nutrición animal

Las propiedades antimicrobianas de la pared celular de la levadura.

Introducción La pared celular de la levadura y otros productos derivados de la levadura se han convertido en componentes bastante destacados de los piensos para animales, debido a sus productos antimicrobianos y otros beneficios. Aunque los antibióticos han sido fundamentales para llevar la cría de animales a la era moderna, los productos orgánicos presentan mejores opciones, sin la toxicidad de

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Nutrición animal

Antioxidant effect of selenium yeast in ruminants

Selenium yeast is one of the trace element-rich yeasts, and it is one of the two sources of selenium available for ruminants. The basis for the various functions of selenium in ruminants is its antioxidant capacity. Organic selenium can be produced by adding appropriate amounts of inorganic selenium to the

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hidrolizado de levadura
Nutrición animal

Hydrolyzed yeast as a functional protein source for young animals

The first obstacles of early life For many animals, early life is the most difficult stage. The immune system and intestinal physiology are not yet fully developedwhich makes young animals more susceptible to disease. At the same time, young animals need to develop and grow optimally. Feed changes

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Nutrición animal

The impacts of stress on the early days of life of piglets

Stress is the response of an animal’s body to a stimulus. This stimulus is not always negative. However, when it is associated with a negative situation, a decrease in performance and productivity is inevitable because the animal’s health is affected, especially early in their lives. At birth, piglets are neurodevelopment

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Pared celular de levadura
Nutrición animal

Are yeast cell wall products the same from different sources?

Several tests were conducted to see if there were differences in yeast cell wall products from three different yeast sources; pure cultured yeast, brewer’s yeast, and alcoholic yeast. The results were surprising. Yeast cell wall is a raw material obtained from the deep processing of yeast fractions and is closely related

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