
Su proveedor de extracto de levadura más confiable


Su proveedor de extracto de levadura más confiable


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How to recognize a quality yeast cell wall product
Nutrición animal

¿Cómo reconocer un producto de pared celular de levadura de calidad?

The use of antibiotics in livestock has been one of the most contentious issues over the last several years. As a replacement for antibiotics, many companies have formulated yeast cell wall products that are derived from fermentation. However, this has also led to an influx of low-quality and ineffective yeasts

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Pared celular de levadura hidrolizada (MOS)
Nutrición animal

Polisacáridos de la pared celular de levadura: β-glucanos & mananos

Las funciones de los polisacáridos y complejos de polisacáridos en los organismos vivos están recibiendo cada vez más atención por parte de muchos investigadores y se han convertido en uno de los puntos calientes de la investigación biológica. Los polisacáridos de la pared celular de levadura, especialmente los β-glucanos y los mananos, están ganando cada vez más interés en los últimos años en la industria alimentaria y de piensos.

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El secreto de la producción de levadura de selenio
Nutrición animal

El secreto de la producción de levadura de selenio

We all know that the supplement of selenium yeast has benefited a lot to animals. It mainly focuses on improving production performance, enhancing antioxidant capacity, improving immune function, and improving reproductive performance. Selenium yeast (organic selenium) is involved in animal nutrition, metabolism, reproduction, immunity, and other life activities. It is

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levadura de selenio
Nutrición animal

Una nueva generación de selenio orgánico.

Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element for human and animal health, so adequate levels in the diet are critical. It can be provided through raw materials or additional selenium supplementation. Some of the essential effects of selenium are related to maintaining optimal antioxidant status and immune function. Selenium has

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Pared celular de levadura hidrolizada (MOS)
Nutrición animal

Ingredientes solubles del alimento: Pared celular de levadura hidrolizada (MOS)

The applications of liquid feed have become an is growing interest nowadays. This includes feed ingredients for use in water, milk replacers, liquid premixes, liquid feeds, injectables and supplement buckets. The benefit of administering feed ingredients via liquid carriers is that they can be administered as soon as it is determined that the

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Nutrición animal

Paredes de levadura MOS: salud intestinal y bienestar animal

Livestock health challenges Early weaning in piglets is often accompanied by reduced growth and diarrhea; post-weaning diarrhea is usually related to the proliferation of one or more strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) in the gastrointestinal tract.Several nutritional strategies have been tested in recent decades to optimize the weaning transition

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Autolyzed Yeast
Nutrición animal

Autolyzed Yeast and Its Implications in Animal Nutrition

Introduction Fungi- autolyzed yeast, is a byproduct of the wine industry in history. It contains considerable amounts of vitamins and enzymes which improves animal performance in fattening or finishing. Autolysed yeast can be added to diets to decrease ammonia emission from the rumen and improve the digestibility of nutrients. In

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Nutrición animal

5 razones por las que utilizar betaglucano en alimentos para mascotas

El número de perros y gatos domésticos en todo el mundo supera los 4.100 millones. $ 121 mil millones de dólares de crecimiento futuro del mercado de alimentos para mascotas. Los betaglucanos de levadura purificados son ingredientes naturales que benefician mucho a las mascotas. Vea a continuación 5 razones por las cuales: 1. AUMENTAR LAS DEFENSAS NATURALES DE LAS MASCOTAS ¿Quién no quiere vivir más y

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