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Il tuo fornitore di estratti di lievito più affidabile


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Nutrizione animale

Benefici dell'integrazione alimentare della parete cellulare del lievito negli Aquafeeds

Introduction Aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production sector in the world. To sustain this rise in the growth of aquaculture, adequate amounts of resources are needed for aquafeed production. Traditionally, the aquaculture sector has been reliant on fishmeal and fish oil as significant resources. However, much recently, the aquaculture sector’s

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I 5 principali fornitori di beta-glucani di lievito in India
base di conoscenza

I 5 principali fornitori di beta-glucani di lievito in India

Yeast beta-glucan is a versatile food material that is used in food supplements as an immunity enhancer. It’s now widely used in the pharmaceutical and beauty industry. Since there are so many beta-glucan suppliers in India, choose which one to work with can be difficult. The list we’ve put together

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senza glutine
Ingrediente alimentare

L'estratto di lievito è senza glutine?

Gluten is a protein found in the following grains: wheat, barley, rye, and oats. Yeast extract as a savory seasoning adding to our foods. We can’t know if the ingredient list without this label. So is yeast extract gluten-free? To explore this problem, we have to found out the source of

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integratore di beta glucani di lievito
Salute umana

Yeast beta-glucans: Immune regulators

Yeast beta glucans are sugars found in the cell walls of yeast.These bioactive compounds have demonstrated activity on the immune system, regulating our immune response and intervening in the development of oncological processes.According to published scientific evidence, yeast beta-glucans can effectively stimulate our defenses against bacterial infections, viruses, parasites. In

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beta glucano del lievito
Salute umana

Lievito Beta Glucano VS. Betaglucano dell'avena

Most of us heard of beta glucan; beta-glucans are a type of polysaccharides for which effects on cholesterol, blood glucose, and the immune system have been proposed.But different sources of beta glucan have different functions. This article will talk about the difference between the two main originally beta glucan-yeast beta

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Salute umana

11 incredibili benefici del selenio per la salute umana

Selenium is a trace mineral extremely powerful as an antioxidant. It’s involved in a lot of different enzymes as a helper mineral that’s called a cofactor. Its main job as an antioxidant is to protect against oxidative damage, so it’s really good for any chronic health problem reducing the complications

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Selenium yeast uses in animal
Nutrizione animale

Lievito di selenio – una fonte naturale di selenio organico

What is the best way to deliver selenium to farm animals? Selenium is a trace element crucial for immune system reproduction and general cell protection in animals. However, most countries regulate the level of selenium allowed in feed. So it’s important to choose the most effective form. In this article,

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