




Top 5 yeast beta glucan manufacturer in the Netherlands


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Yeast Beta-Glucan is considered an ingredient of great importance in both the medical field and the food industry. It has many desirable physical and physiological characteristics, and it’s a scientifically proven biological defense modifier (BDM) that nutritionally potentiates and modulates the immune response.
So it’s widely used by food manufacturers nowadays. There are a lot of yeast beta glucan manufacturers in the Netherlands. Finding the right company is essential for your brand identity. That is why we make such lists to help pick the best in the industry. Read On!

1. DSM

DSM Logo

1902 年に設立され、本社はオランダのヘールレンにあります。 Koninklijke DSM N.V は、栄養製品の生産、マーケティング、研究に従事しています。同社は、栄養、素材、イノベーションセンター、企業活動という 4 つの異なるセグメントを通じて事業を展開しています。酵母エキスは栄養部門で提供されています。
The subsidiaries of the company include DSM Food Specialties, which provides yeast extract. The company has a geographic presence in over 30 countries across Europe, North America, Asia, and Latin America.

2. Caldic

At Caldic, their strength lies in inspiring solutions to address customerschallenges in food, personal care, pharma, and industrial markets. To strengthen the solutions toolkit, they actively look for new opportunities that can help increase value-add in the target markets and geographies.
Backed by an excellent track record of acquiring and successfully integrating more than 10 businesses in recent years, they are keen to explore new opportunities with companies equipped with an entrepreneurial spirit, strong solutions orientation and excellence in liaising the interests between business partners from both supply and demand side.

3. Van Wankum Ingredients

Van Wankum Ingredients is a full-service ingredients provider for many different clients in the Food & Beverage, Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical, and Health industries. They offer high-quality ingredients and additives. Their services include sampling, cost-efficient logistics, quality documents, and consulting. They have a team of commercial, logistic, and financial experts and food technologists who share more than 30 years of professional experience worldwide and are committed to satisfying customersneeds.

4. Vitaminsperpost

Vitaminesperpost is an online store that offers a wide range of nutritional supplements since 2009. Its mission is to provide high-quality dietary supplements at affordable prices. They are committed to finding and offering natural products without pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides, and they believe that natural supplements are better for human health. And when it comes to quality and safety, they take several steps to ensure the safety of their ingredients. For example, the ingredients are always tested for defects. In addition, various systems and processes help them to ensure the safety of their products.

5. ハイイースト(中国)


ハイイースト is a professional yeast beta-glucan manufacturer that supplies natural and effective high-quality immune-supporting ingredients made from baker’s yeast.
Hiyeast は、創業以来培ってきたノウハウと経験、高品質、高い生産水準、技術知識により、食品、健康、発酵業界での存在感を高めています。
Hiyeast は、顧客と提携して、主要な天然製品およびサービス ソリューションで顧客の特定の要件を満たす製品を開発することに尽力しています。


Brand identity plays a crucial role in establishing customer interest and ultimate loyalty. That is why yeast beta glucan with the best in the market will help you stay at the top of the game. Contact our team and be rest assured of quality and uniqueness.

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