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심벌 마크

가장 신뢰할 수 있는 효모 추출물 공급업체

셀레늄 효모 – 유기 셀레늄의 천연 공급원

Selenium yeast uses in animal


공유 페이스북
공유 트위터
공유 링크드인

What is the best way to deliver selenium to farm animals?

Selenium is a trace element crucial for immune system reproduction and general cell protection in animals.

However, most countries regulate the level of selenium allowed in feed. So it’s important to choose the most effective form.

In this article, we will talk about the best way to deliver selenium to farm animals, to secure the most benefit to your animals and your operation.

Organic selenium VS. inorganic selenium

The benefits of supplementing animal diets with selenium are well known. Selenium is valued for its antioxidant properties in animals and also people. Selenium supports growth, fertility, and immunity.

There are different forms of selenium that can be added to animal feed, namely organic and inorganic. Generally, organic forms are better. Inorganic forms of selenium such as selenites and salinates are not well absorbed.

On top of that, if they are fed in high amounts, they actually have oxidant effects, the opposite of what we want. Also, the first need to be converted into the organic form to be used in the organism. Using the organic form in the first place skips this step. Additionally, with inorganic selenium, more is lost to the environment and waste.

In contrast, organic selenium is safer and better absorbed. Various forms of organic selenium exist. 셀레늄 효모 is a common source of organic selenium.

Why selenium yeast is a better way to supplement your animal?

The ultimate goal for selenium is to be converted to functional selenoproteins such as glutathione, peroxidase, gpx, and antioxidant.

However, most selenium yeasts provide selenium mainly in the form of selenomethionine SeMet. Selenium methionine has a major drawback: methionine is a protein-forming amino acid, which means that SeMet will often be incorporated into ordinary proteins, not the functional selenium proteins such as glutathione peroxidase that we need. And when SeMet is utilized, it needs to be broken down to release the selenium. That’s another extra step before the selenium is available for gpx. The selenium gets locked up in the carbon chain of SeMet and the chain of amino acids of an ordinary protein.

반추 동물

SeHLan-An organic selenium that is more easily absorbed by animals

The good news is that you can avoid the drawbacks of selenium methionine by using seleno-homocystaine SeHLan instead. Seleno-homocystaine is more directly converted to gpx and other functional cylinder proteins compared to SeMet sealant is easily split releasing. Selenium thus readily forms selenocystine and other selenium compounds required for antioxidant activity.

Thanks to advanced biotech technology, 셀레늄 효모 is a 99% organic selenium yeast that delivers SeHLan along a differentiated metabolic pathway to quickly and effectively reach where it’s needed. SeHLan provides better antioxidant protection, is readily available, and it’s safer for your animals and more direct.

The benefits of selenium yeast are that the selenium is more readily available, the selenium is more soluble in the cytoplasm, not stuck in the yeast cell walls meaning more available selenium for essential function. It is more directly converted into functional selenoproteins that the animal needs. It’s safer for your animals because it’s an organic form, less accumulated in the liver and pancreas. This soul provides superior antioxidant protection with the pathfinder technology, making sure that it’s getting where it’s needed.

공유 페이스북
공유 트위터
공유 링크드인

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