심벌 마크

가장 신뢰할 수 있는 효모 추출물 공급업체

심벌 마크

가장 신뢰할 수 있는 효모 추출물 공급업체

효모 베타 글루칸 대. 버섯 베타글루칸



공유 페이스북
공유 트위터
공유 링크드인

One of the most important bioactive compounds in yeast and fungi (mushroom) is1-3,1-6 Beta-D-glucans, which are bioactive carbohydrates(a type of polysaccharides).

 베타글루칸 are considered important because they can trigger certain receptors in the immune system without any side effects popping up.

 They can modulate our immune function, boost it when it’s low and get it back in line when it’s over-reacting(e.g., in case of allergies and many auto-immune problems).

What is mushroom beta-glucan?

Mushroom Beta-glucans are polysaccharides that occur naturally in the cell walls of medicinal mushrooms, such as Reishi, Turkey Tail, Shiitake, and Maitake. They are the soluble fiber that carries powerful benefits.

 What is yeast beta-glucan?

효모 베타글루칸 is found in the cell walls of common baker’s yeast. It is used to enhance or stimulate the effectiveness of the immune system. It’s a type of fiber in the form of polysaccharides (complex sugars).

 What’s the difference between yeast beta glucan and mushroom?

Beta-glucan from yeast, particularly baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), consists of a long beta-glucan core with branched side chains of specific lengths of other beta-glucans (beta-1,3-glucan and beta-1,6-glucan). Mushrooms also possess beta-glucans with side chains (beta-1,3-glucan and beta-1,6-glucan), but these are much shorter than those of yeast.

Which beta glucan is better?

Beta-1,3/1,6-glucan derived from baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is the most studied beta-glucan and is best documented in immune-stimulatory efficacy, mode of action, and safety, and is considered superior to other origin beta-glucans.

 Studies have shown that beta-glucans extracted from yeast had the best overall benefits for immune health.

 It was found to effectively enhance the immune system by activating the macrophages, which work as the front-line defense of our body. These cells in our immune system are responsible for finding, identifying, and destroying foreign invaders in our body and further activating other immune system components to produce other immune cells. These include B-cells, T-cells, and Natural Killer (NK) cells to prepare for future adverse events.

Benefits of beta-glucans on the immune system

One of the main health 베타글루칸의 장점, especially from yeast and maitake mushroom strains, is reflected in the immune system. This aspect has been thoroughly investigated in the medical literature, with thousands of preclinical studies showing the unique benefits of beta-glucans in detail. It was discovered that our white blood cells have receptors on their cell surface for beta-glucans from yeast and maitake. Just as we open a door lock with the correct key, these receptors are specific to the structure of beta-glucans. When beta-glucans from yeast or maitake bind to the receptor, white blood cells are specifically activated to help fight the invasion of organisms. These are the specific effects of beta-glucans from yeast and maitake on the immune system:


They increase levels of secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA).

This protective substance coats the mucous membranes of our body, e.g., the nasal passages, throat, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, vagina, and urethra. Low levels of secretory IgA are related to an increased risk of infection.

They activate macrophages.

These are specialized white blood cells that reside in specific tissues such as the lining of mucous membranes, liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. Macrophages perform two essential functions. They act like garbage collectors to phagocytose or swallow foreign particles such as bacteria and cellular debris. During this process, macrophages analyze the threat to the immune system and, if necessary, send chemical signals to other white blood cells to prepare the response. Thus, beta-glucans prepare the immune system as a whole to function optimally.

They activate monocytes.

Monocytes are macrophages (garbage collectors) that circulate in the blood, performing the same functions, including triggering many immune responses.

They activate neutrophils.

These cells also act like garbage collectors that actively devour and destroy bacteria, cell tumors, and dead particles. Neutrophils are critical in preventing bacterial infections.

They enhancenatural killer(NK) cells.

The NK cells are named by their ability to destroy cells that have become cancerous or are infected by viruses. The level of NK cell activity in chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, and chronic viral infections is generally low.

Immune Defense

 Hiyeast is a professional supplier for the yeast beta glucan

 하이이스트는 전문가입니다효모 베타글루칸 제조업체 that supplies high purity; its yeast beta-glucan is Organic Certified Yeast Beta Glucan from baker’s yeast. It’s an all-natural polysaccharide extracted from the baker’s yeast.

 Hiyeast©beta glucan has been tested in animals. It’s proven it strengthens the NK cells of the tested animal to increase immunity. And the test result shows that the sample was non-toxic, non-mutagenic, or mutagenic.

하이이스트는 창업 초기부터 쌓아온 노하우와 경험, 높은 품질, 높은 생산수준, 기술지식을 바탕으로 식품, 건강, 발효산업 분야에서 하이이스트의 입지를 더욱 키워가고 있습니다.하이이스트 is committed to partner with customers to develop products meeting their specific requirements with key natural products and service solutions.

공유 페이스북
공유 트위터
공유 링크드인

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