
Uw meest betrouwbare leverancier van gistextracten


Uw meest betrouwbare leverancier van gistextracten


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Gistextract is het beste vleesalternatief voor plantaardige producten

With a general shift from meat consumption toward a more plant-based diet, the need for high-quality, plant-based meat alternatives has grown dramatically. Previously, there were only a few options for plant-based meat substitutes, and they were generally made with questionable, highly-processed ingredients. Since millennials and Gen Z customers are becoming

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Top 5 gistcelwandfabrikant ter wereld
Kennis basis

Top 5 gistcelwandfabrikant ter wereld

De gistcelwand is een wijdverspreid voedingssupplement dat wordt gebruikt in diervoeding. Het is een goede vervanging voor antibiotica. Dieren kunnen profiteren van het verbeteren van hun immuniteit door ziekteverwekkers te absorberen en de afgifte van cytokines te bevorderen, want de celwand van gist bevat twee belangrijke polysachariden: mannan-oligosachariden en bèta-glucaan. Echter, daar

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Gisthydrolysaat - een functionele eiwit- en nucleïnezuurbron voor pluimvee
Dieren voer

Gisthydrolysaat - een functionele eiwit- en nucleïnezuurbron voor pluimvee

What is yeast hydrolysate? Yeast hydrolysate, which is also called autolyzed yeast, is a protein and nucleic acid source for the feed, obtained from natural active yeast, hydrolyzed by endogenous enzymes (intracellular autolyze) and exogenous enzymes, it is considered is external digestion of protein and nucleic acid source come from

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Hoe herken je een kwalitatief gistcelwandproduct?
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Hoe herken je een kwalitatief gistcelwandproduct?

The use of antibiotics in livestock has been one of the most contentious issues over the last several years. As a replacement for antibiotics, many companies have formulated yeast cell wall products that are derived from fermentation. However, this has also led to an influx of low-quality and ineffective yeasts

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Gehydrolyseerde gistcelwand (MOS)
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Gistcelwandpolysachariden: β-glucanen & mannanen

The functions of polysaccharides and polysaccharide complexes in living organisms are receiving increasing attention from many researchers and have become one of the hot spots in biological research. Yeast cell wall polysaccharides, especially β-glucan and mannans, are gaining more and more interest these years in the food and feed industries

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Top 4 fabrikanten van gistextracten in China
Kennis basis

Top 4 fabrikanten van gistextracten in China

Yeast extracts are versatile ingredients to use in recipes reduced in sodium and it is a natural ingredient totally aligned with consumerstrends and it can improve, intensify and add a depth of flavor to savory and sweet snacks. Yeast extract is a trend in the low-salt diet and meat substitutes in the food industry. Several China-based

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Het geheim van de productie van seleniumgist
Dieren voer

Het geheim van de productie van seleniumgist

We all know that the supplement of selenium yeast has benefited a lot to animals. It mainly focuses on improving production performance, enhancing antioxidant capacity, improving immune function, and improving reproductive performance. Selenium yeast (organic selenium) is involved in animal nutrition, metabolism, reproduction, immunity, and other life activities. It is

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Kennis basis

Het verschil tussen gist en gistextract

Many people use the word yeast to describe yeast extract, when in fact, it is inappropriate. Although they are closely related to each other, these two terms should not be confused, especially when used in cooking. Yeast extract is a term used to describe a group of yeast goods that

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