
Seu fornecedor de extrato de levedura mais confiável


Seu fornecedor de extrato de levedura mais confiável

Parede celular de levedura

Parede celular de levedura

Informações adicionais



amarelo claro a bege


Odor especial de fermento


Sem substâncias estranhas


Hiyeast©Yeast Cell Wall is a natural component derived from yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Hiyeast©Yeast Cell Wall consists of polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and a small amount of chitin. It is a good source of protein. It’s mainly used in the animal feed additive.

The main efficient ingredients in the yeast cell walls are beta-glucan e mannan(MOS), which can increase immunity, block pathogens, and bind mycotoxins (especially Zearalenone).


  • Promote the development of immune organs, strengthen the immune system function, improve the adaptability of animals to the environment, the ability to resist stress
  • Reduce intestinal pathogens, promote the breeding of beneficial bacteria, regulate the animal digestive tract micro-ecological system balance, improve intestinal function
  • On the feed of mycotoxins have a strong adsorption
  • Stimulate the endocrine of animals, increase feed intake, improve feeding efficiency, so as to promote growth and productivity.
  • Prevent and assist the treatment of diseases, promote animal rehabilitation, reduce the dosage of antibiotics.

Modo de ação

Hiyeast©Yeast Cell Wall absorbs mycotoxins, a process by which yeast components bind to mycotoxins. This takes place in the digestive tract of the animal, resulting in the excretion of a toxin/binder complex in the feces, and reducing the exposure of the animal to mycotoxins.


Item Índice
Beta-glucano (%) 20
Mannan(%) 20
Proteína bruta (%) 35
Umidade (%) 6
Como (mg/kg) 2
Pb (mg/kg) 5
Contagem total de placas bacterianas(ufc/g) 1,0×10⁶
Salmonela, /25g Negativo

Dosage (g/t complete feed)

Leitão 2000
Semear 1000-1500
Frango 1000
Camada 500-1000
Calves 1000
Espécies aquáticas 1000-2000

Armazenamento e Embalagem

Guarde em local fresco e seco.

Embalagem: 25KG Kraft Paper Bag with polyethylene liner; 600Kg flexible freight bag.
Validade: 24 meses a partir da data de produção quando armazenado em sua embalagem original.

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Entraremos em contato em até 1 dia útil, preste atenção ao e-mail com o sufixo “@hiyeast.com”.