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Top 5 yeast beta glucan manufacturer in the USA
Бета-глюкан дрожжей

Топ-5 поставщиков бета-глюканов в США.

Beta glucans are sugar compounds found in bacteria, yeast, fungi, algae, and cereals such as oats and barley. They are a source of soluble fiber, and research suggests they may reduce high cholesterol and supporting the immune system. High-quality beta glucan represents the market’s leading companiesaccomplishments and core values. Consumers

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Top 5 yeast beta glucan manufacturer in the Netherlands
Бета-глюкан дрожжей

Top 5 yeast beta glucan manufacturers in the Netherlands

Yeast Beta-Glucan is considered an ingredient of great importance in both the medical field and the food industry. It has many desirable physical and physiological characteristics, and it’s a scientifically proven biological defense modifier (BDM) that nutritionally potentiates and modulates the immune response.So it’s widely used by food manufacturers nowadays.

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