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Men Beta Glucan – Một thành phần tự nhiên cho sức khỏe miễn dịch

yeast beta glucan tablet

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What is Yeast Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan?

Yeast Beta-1,3/1,6-glucan is derived from baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), made up of a string of glucose molecules, with fats, proteins, and other polysaccharides removed.
It’s a 100%-natural, food-based dietary supplement.

Different Sources of Beta Glucan

Beta Glucan can be found in other sources such as oats, barley, mushrooms, and algae. However, most of these are only slightly active, or in some cases, not at all.
Yeast β-glucan was composed of (1,3) linkages and (1, 6) linked branches, which is very different from other sources of beta-glucan.
This unique molecular structure optimum activation of the immune response, many research studies show that the best results come from Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan extracted from baker’s yeast.

How does Yeast Beta Glucan work?

It has been shown that yeast beta-glucan can activate both the innate and the adaptive immune responses.
It does this by improving the ability of white blood cells to locate better and kill potential pathogens. The human gastrointestinal tract contains immune tissue, called Peyer’s Patches, with specific cells called macrophages actively collect and transport certain food materials into the immune system. When it is taken by mouth, yeast beta-glucan is actively collected by the Peyer’s Patches in the intestines.

Peyer's Patches

The macrophages (located in the Peyer’s Patches) ingest beta-glucan and travel to the immune organs throughout the body. The macrophages break down the beta-glucan into smaller fragments that bind to neutrophils, the most abundant immune cells in the body. Primed by beta-glucan, neutrophils move more quickly to recognize and kill foreign challenges.

Are the effects of Beta Glucan proven by scientific research?

Numerous scientific studies originate from abroad and domestic to attest to the immuno-activating and protective effects of Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan.

What is the use of Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan?

Yeast beta-glucan has been widely applied to infant formula milk powder, beverages, dairy products, desserts, nutritional snacks, fortifying immunity foods, weight-losing foods,anti-aging foods, etc.

Yeast beta-glucan has been investigated for these immune-enhancing properties. It’s recommended to consume by the following people:

  • who wants to maintain or enhance the effectiveness of their immune system;
  • people who experience daily stress;
  • those who wish to anti-aging;
  • people who are susceptible to allergies, autoimmune disease, infectious disease, slow and incomplete healing,
  • those who have HIV/AIDS or cancer.
  • People who suffer from chronic degenerative disorders such as diabetes mellitus or chronic inflammation.

Why is the purity of Beta Glucan important?

The purity difference may have significant health consequences. Extensive research has demonstrated that a yeast cell component calledmannanmay trigger an allergic reaction or inflammatory bowel flare in individuals with yeast allergies, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or Crohn’s Disease. Unfortunately, some Beta Glucan suppliers fail to adequately separate the Beta Glucan from the mannan and mannoproteins and other yeast cell components.
The situation in the current market can be confused by some manufacturers. Companies are offering Glucans from various sources, Glucans of multiple activities, and of course, Glucans differing in price. Unfortunately, some of the origins of Beta Glucan provide an inferior product, consisting of either crude extracts or mostly from glucose or mannose. When trying to decide which Beta Glucan is the best, always look for a respected manufacturer backing its testing report from the Authoritative Testing Center.

How to compare the quality of Beta Glucan?

It’s critical to understand that only the 1,3/1,6 -linkage glucan in Beta Glucan Supplements are proven to trigger the human immune system. Numbers of research have proven this fact.
Beta-glucans exist in a variety of structures and with different functions depending on the source; 1,3/1,6 linkage glucan can be found in the yeast and fungi(mushroom),
Both yeast and fungi were composed of (1,3) linkages and (1, 6) linked branches. The difference between them is that mushrooms β-glucans have short β(1,6)-linked branches, whereas yeast beta-glucan is a long chain of 1,3/1,6 terminal-linked glucose molecules.
This is the reason why most beta-glucan supplements are calledBeta 1,3/1,6 Glucan. Different products have different amounts of the 1,3/1,6 linkages, also known asactive linkage—the cost of the yeast beta-glucan various from the purity. Generally speaking, to be used as a raw material of food supplement for human consumption, we believe that purity of more than 70% is effective.
Beta Glucanis just a generic term. These are the raw materials that have a high naturally occurring level of the 1,3/1,6 linkage glucans. The quality of yeast beta-glucan is based on the manufacturer’s ability to remove the unwanted linkages, proteins, and fats, leaving the 1,3/1,6 linkages undamaged. Every manufacturer may have a different process to extract the 1,3/1,6 linkages glucan in various purity levels.
To conclude, the higher the product purity, the more effective the product will be.

men beta glucan

Hiyeast©beta glucan is proven and well-researched

Hiyeast là một người chuyên nghiệp nhà sản xuất men beta-glucan that supplies a purity of up to 70%; its yeast beta-glucan is Organic Certified Yeast Beta Glucan from baker’s yeast. Hiyeast’s product is through the HPLC(Chinese standard QB 4572-2013) and USP BETA GLUCAN standard test by CCRC (complex carbohydrate research center ).
Hiyeast © Beta Glucan đã được thử nghiệm trên động vật. Nó đã chứng minh nó tăng cường các tế bào NK của động vật được thử nghiệm để tăng khả năng miễn dịch. Và kết quả thử nghiệm cho thấy mẫu không độc hại, không biến dạng hoặc gây đột biến.

Bí quyết và kinh nghiệm có được ngay từ những ngày đầu thành lập cũng như chất lượng cao, tiêu chuẩn sản xuất cao và kiến ​​thức kỹ thuật đã cho phép Hiyeast tăng cường sự hiện diện trong ngành thực phẩm, sức khỏe và lên men. hiyeast cam kết hợp tác với khách hàng để phát triển các sản phẩm đáp ứng các yêu cầu cụ thể của họ với các sản phẩm tự nhiên và giải pháp dịch vụ chính.

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2 Phản hồi

    1. Yeast beta glucan has been shown to enhance humans and animals’s immunity, and there are studies have shown that it can prevent cancer and help to resist radiation.
      By the way, we are the manufacturer of yeast beta glucan, if you are interested in this product, we can send you a small amount of sample

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